A little about how I got here.

I grew up in Southern California. Got married had a few kids and then ended up divorced. Placed an add on a website and that is how I met my French husband. We lived in California for about a year and decided after that to pack up what we owned and move to Tahiti..........Life is a grand adventure and I'm living it.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


 For Lasagna, you will need the following:

1 package of no-boil lasagna noodles (enough for 1 [9x13-inch] lasagna)
2 pounds marinara or meat sauce (I made my own homemade sauce)*
8 ounces spinach (see note)
15 ounces ricotta (I am using a fromage blanc tonight)
1 pound grated mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup of grated parmesan cheese (Parmigiano)

Bechemel sauce

1L (4 cups) milk
1 brown onion, halved, coarsely chopped
8 fresh parsley stalks
8 whole black peppercorns
4 whole cloves
2 bay leaves
60g butter
50g (1/3 cup) plain flour
70g (1 cup) finely grated parmasan
Pinch ground nutmeg
Salt & ground white pepper

Note: I used fresh spinach from my garden but you can use frozen if you like but allow it to thaw on the counter at room temperature for 3-4 hours. Take a large colander and place in the kitchen sink, lining it with 1 or 2 paper towels. Dump the thawed, wet spinach onto the paper towels and fold them over, making a little pouch. I squeeze it with both hands over the colander. The spinach is now ready to be used in step 2 of the instructions below.

Preheat the oven to 400° F.
Using the wooden spoon, mix the ricotta with the spinach in the large bowl.
Pour a thin layer of marinara on the bottom of the oven-safe dish, just enough so that you cannot see the bottom of the dish.
Place a single layer of lasagna noodles over the sauce. Place a layer of the bechemel sauce.
Put a layer of the ricotta mixture on top of the noodles and use your hands to get even layers.
Sprinkle a layer of mozzarella on top.
Pour on another layer of marinara sauce.
Repeat steps
Put another layer of noodles on top and sprinkle the rest of the mozzarella and Parmigiano.
Pour a thin layer of sauce to completely cover the top layer. End with Bechemel and cheese...
Cover the dish with aluminum foil and bake in the oven for 35 minutes. Tent the foil slightly and/or spray the underside lightly with non-stick cooking spray so that it can be removed easily for step 12 without sticking.
Remove the foil and bake for another 5 to 10 minutes, until the cheese is slightly browned. You may opt to sprinkle on more Parmigiano here, and that’s fine. We recommend that an adult do this particular sprinkling, since the pan will be VERY hot.
Allow the lasagna to cool for about 10 minutes before eating.

So, now you know how to make the best lasagna recipe. Fantastic! Serve it with a great salad and some Homemade garlic bread and you’re all set.

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