A little about how I got here.

I grew up in Southern California. Got married had a few kids and then ended up divorced. Placed an add on a website and that is how I met my French husband. We lived in California for about a year and decided after that to pack up what we owned and move to Tahiti..........Life is a grand adventure and I'm living it.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Katrina's Oven Fries

Katrina's Oven Fries

This is my version of "french fries"......since one really cannot continue to eat those, even in moderation some things are just to UNhealthy to eat. I have found these are a wonderful alternative and I don't miss fried french fries at all...in fact, they are usually soggy and sort of nasty...ugh! Let me know how you like these if you try them.....Bon appetit!

5 baking potatoes (partially peeled, cut long - like french fries)
Your favorite steak seasoning
garlic powder
salt & pepper
olive oil

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

I prepare my baking sheet by lining it with parchment paper. I spray this to help it stick in the pan and then I give it a little spray on top.

I partially peel my potatoes and slice them lengthwise, like any french fry. I put these in a large bowl and add my spices. This should be to your taste. I don't measure here. Go light on the olive oil, it doesn't take much to make these wonderful, about two teaspoons should do it.

Play with the spices..........I've tried these all sorts of ways. Add oregano...basil.......whatever you like.

Once I have my spices and evoo in there I mix it well and place these on my prepared baking sheet. in a single layer. Bake for about 15 minutes and turn the potatoes over in the pan. Bake for another 15 to 20 minutes, until the potatoes are a little brown in spots.

When these are done season again with a bit of sea salt. Serve with your favorite condiment for fries and Bon appetit!

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